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ABN: 93066179429

making the world more beautiful
Contributing to Building Healthy Communities by Facilitating Positive Outcomes in First Nations Cultural Advocacy through Reconciliation Action Projects
Manamana Projects

St Benedict's Mango Hill
2024 was a beautiful year for Reconciliation and St Benedict's Catholic Primary School community in Mango Hill. This wonderful inclusive mural will sit at the entrance of the school and provides a beautiful representation of the beauty of belonging. We hope that everyone who added a thumbprint feels included and happy to be a part of this special legacy artwork.

QPAC's Kgwambi-burra
Kgwambi-Barra was inspired by a pearl Jenny received one day from a crow when she was working on multiple youth projects. The crow dropped the pearl at Jenny’s feet which was quite a surprise. The pearl reminded Jenny of a prayer and her connection to her Quandamooka and Jinibara family heritage. Kgwambi or Quampie or Goompie translates to Pearl shell in the local Minjerribah traditional language. Culturally there was no written language, how you say a word matters more than how it's spelt today.

ECM Playground
ECM Commissioned the Manamana Dream Crew to design a mural to hang in the newly built playground funded by the generosity of local organisations. Emmanuel City Mission offers a crucial service to some of Brisbane's most vulnerable people. The playground offers sanctuary to children visiting the Centre.

C & K Starting 2025 Strong
To start 2025 South West C & K commissioned Jenny to collaborate a community artwork project to reflect the values and theme of Starting Strong. The roving artwork will be shared within the 17 centers who participated in the project, on a rotating roster throughout the year.

Our Lady of Assumption Enoggera
Jenny & Angel spent a day with staff from Our Lady of Assumption Enoggera painting coolamons from Rhan Hoopers collection. The day relaxing, fun and informative. Manamana Dreaming's artefact painting activities have been described as therapeutic by participants.

Dakabin Community Youth Hub
Jenny was selected from an incredibly talented pool of applicants to design the artwork to represent the newly developed Dakabin Community Youth Hub which is going to be an extension of Dakabin State High School. The artwork is called "All things Murumba" which is a call to remind ourselves to think on beautiful, good and lovely thoughts of life.

Coming Soon

Ipswich Adventist Kindy
Ipswich Adventist Community Kindergarten wanted to do something in honour of Reconciliation, so they reached out to Manamana Dreaming to design an artwork to reflect their school community. Jenny's sister Chloe Adams painted the mural and over 50 students added a thumbprint to the artwork "Kut-dja".

Camira's Bushtukka Garden
Camira Kindergarten wanted to design an artwork to commemorate their newly installed bush tukka garden. The garden and artwork feature pigface, native raspberries, midyem berries and grevilleas.

Butterfly Signage Mitchelton
A green school that appreciates Laudato Si Action - Our Lady of Dolours Mitchelton loved listening to Jenny's knowledge about the effects of local deforestation and wanted to have an artwork to reflect awareness and inspiration to the community to help inspire to care for and rebuild the forests in our urban communities. The School has gardens and teaches students about nature and how to care for the environment.

BCE Arts Protocol Guide
Jennifer worked with BCE Arts Leaders to develop a beautiful artwork that adorned the newly developed Arts Protocol Guide. For a more in depth look at the guide please click on the link to see more.

Redbank Plains Kindy
The wonderful staff at Redbank C&K wanted to do something beautiful for the community in the spirit of Reconciliation, they heard about MD's work with other kindergartens and decided to get a special mural for their community as well. The project is designed to appreciate students, staff, families and community that contributes to the Centre's wellbeing by highlighting the appreciation of everyone's unique contributions.

The Creekwood
The Creekwood was commissioned by Martin Brower for their new Berrinba warehouse. The artwork reflects elements of the creek woods next to the warehouse's location.

Yamanto C&K Celebrate 30
To celebrate their 30th Year milestone Yamanto wanted to do something special, so the staff thought of the lovely idea to install a beautiful Reconciliation Mural of Belonging.

Salisbury's Golden Wattle
Ashwini & Jenny from Salisbury C & K wanted to do something special for the community so they reached out to Jenny from Manamana to help design a mural of belonging to inject beauty and togetherness into their space.

Virginia State School
In 2024 a group of year 5 students of VSS worked with Jenny to come up with a special whole school Reconciliation Thumbprint mural to celebrate NAIDOC week. The Artwork created a wonderful impact into the community and is now hanging in the library.

Goodna Headstart Artwork
Goodna was looking for a new mural to install at the entrance of the Centre and reached out to Manamana Dreaming to design the Artwork.

Algester Leaf Legacy
Jenny worked with students and staff to create a beautiful legacy artwork for the Year 6 class of 2024 and welcoming the Prep's of 2024.

Spark 2024 St Paul's Church
Jenny was one of seven First Nations Artist to be selected to feature on St Paul's Cathedral in Ipswich for the Spark festivals DeLight Program 2024.

WCSS ~ Champions for Reconciliation
NAIDOC 2024 Highlights a significant milestone for Woogaroo Creek State School as students, staff and parents come together to be a part of a special legacy artwork. Jenny worked with Principle Seccombe and Students to develop an Acknowledgement that will be placed at the school entrance.

National Indigenous Culinary Institute Fundraiser
Jennifer painted Jabiyili which is a Jandai language word and means eat and drink. It was inspired by the menu designed by Tellina Menzies for the NICI fundraiser event in May 2024 which was held at the Rook Rooftop Dining Terrace in Sydney.

Nginda ~ Ngayi ~ Ngali
Hosted by St Vincent's Care Services and Evangelisation Brisbane, Nginda, Ngayi, Ngali (You, Me, Us) was held in the Hanly Room within the Brisbane City St. Stephens Cathedral Precinct during June 2023. The exhibition hosted an array of artworks from Jenny and Stolen Generation Artist Gloria Lebrocq Butler.

Asahi AGP Awards
Jennifer painted 12 Boomerangs to be awarded to the 12 recipients at Asahi's Annual AGP Awards Ceremony that was held this year in Melbourne. Jenny also designed a branding artwork that was used to adorn gifts for Asahi's Global Delegates. Congratulations to Team Italy - you're all stars!

City of Moreton Bay's Reconciliation Action Plan
The City of Moreton Bay made history by implementing their First ever Reconciliation Action Plan. Jenny was chosen to create the Reconciliation Artwork for the new RAP document. We also witnessed a first ever Welcome to Country by Aunty Maroochy at an AGM.

YMCA Ipswich
This beautiful mural was done by the students of the YMCA Ipswich with the guidance of Jenny.
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